It is also possible to pick up objects and throw them to distract the shadow or solve certain physical puzzles.

Interaction with the environment is performed by using a physics based method where the mouse is emulated as a hand, meaning the player will need to rotate it to turn wheels or use it to grab drawers and pull them open by moving the mouse. The player must solve various puzzles and the game is very much a fully interactive adventure game. The player must also never look at the monsters because if Daniel stares at them too long, his sanity will be fully compromised. The player must evade the monsters entirely, but this will affect Daniel's sanity as to hide from the monsters, the player must also hide in the dark. As Daniel loses sanity, the world will distort and become hard to navigate and the monsters will be able to sense the player. If Daniel remains in the dark for too long, he will gradually lose his sanity. Oil will allow Daniel to use a lamp to provide him with light and tinderboxes can be used to light candles and torches strewn throughout the mansion. 'Amnesia shows us by example that gaming has entirely new realms to explore.' - Game Informer (9.25/10) 'I think it is safe to say that Amnesia is the most successfully frightening game to have been made.' - Rock, Paper, Shotgun 'Rich in atmosphere and big on scares, Amnesia: The Dark Descent goes where survival-horror fears to tread. It is often necessary to scour every corner for oil and tinderboxes. In order to stay sane, he must keep moving and pushing the plot forward, as well as making sure there is always light. Along with self-preservation, the players must keep the hero sane. Daniel cannot fight monsters and the only choice is to run or hide. The game takes place from a first person perspective, however there are no weapons. The player must solve the mystery of the mansion while running from a Shadow that is constantly chasing the player throughout the game. Gameplay has the player searching for Daniel's diaries and other notes and journals of the poor souls who have crossed Baron Alexander. The only clues to Daniel's true identity are mementos and notes left behind by Daniel himself, who reminds himself to find and kill Alexander.

This has made Amnesia: Rebirth far more accessible, enabling non-horror game lovers to enjoy other aspects of the game without its core fear element.In Amnesia: The Dark Descent, the player takes on the role of Daniel, an amnesiac man trapped in the mansion of a Prussian Baron named Alexander. The new mode completely removes all horror elements of the game, such as the "life-threatening encounters" and "harrowing sound and visual effects," allowing players to purely focus on the story.

In March and April 2021, Frictional Games released an update for Amnesia: Rebirth featuring "Adventure Mode" for the PC and PlayStation versions of the game. Non-horror gamers can also choose to obtain voxel art co-op adventure Riverbond from the Epic Games Store, but should still consider grabbing Amnesia: Rebirth. Through balancing oil and matchstick reserves, successfully evading monsters, and solving puzzles, players can advance through ancient ruins, abandoned villages, and vast underground caves to achieve Tasi's goals. 'Amnesia shows us by example that gaming has entirely new realms to explore.' - Game Informer (9.25/10) 'I think it is safe to say that Amnesia is the most successfully frightening game to have been made. Where players of The Dark Descent only had one location to explore – the Brennenburg Castle – one of the most welcome changes to the game is the ability for players to traverse multiple ominous locations throughout the deserts of colonial Africa during Amnesia: Rebirth's multiple hours of gameplay.