This is the spot that you will need to head to in order to find the treasure. In an act of self-awareness, the treasure map will show you the classic Fork Knife location that is a joke on the meme. This will show you the treasure map that leads you to the treasure. Simply press whichever button it requires, depending on your platform, and then the sign will activate. Approach the blank treasure map until you’re close enough that the button prompt appears to interact with it. This is because you need to actually “search” it, which just means activating the treasure map. Oddly enough, when you approach the treasure map, it will be blank. Near the northern end, you will find a blueish purple shipping container with the treasure map signpost on the side facing to the south. When you land in Junk Junction, head for the center of the northern section of the junkyard. If that’s the case, you can just quit and restart a new match. Since we recommend completing this in Team Rumble, it is possible you’ll end up on the wrong side of the map.

This is where you should land first when you get into your first match for this challenge. The first location that we need to head to is Junk Junction to find the treasure map signpost. Treasure map signpost: Junk Junction location If they find the treasure first, it will complete the stage for you, too. This allows your teammates’ progress to count for you. Additionally, we recommend turning on the Party Assist mode. It has fewer enemies to worry about, more teammates on your side, more time to do the challenge, and so on. To start, we recommend that you do it in the Team Rumble mode for the usual reasons. Now, we do have a couple of tips for completing this challenge. Unfortunately, Epic Games requires you to visit the map in order to unlock the second part of this challenge, so you’ll have to do that part no matter what. Normally, there would be two ways of going about this challenge - head to the map location, check it out, and then head to the treasure location, or skip the first step entirely and head straight to the treasure. The treasure map there will lead you to a specific location on the island that you then need to head to in order to complete the whole challenge. So, what does that mean? Well, basically, there is a treasure map located at Junk Junction that you need to find. The first stage simply asks you to search the treasure map signpost found in Junk Junction. Completing stage one will then unlock the ability to do stage two and completely finish the challenge. Since it’s broken up into two parts, you can only see stage one at the start. That’s right, this is a two-stage challenge similar to last week’s. One of the big challenges this week is to search two treasure map signposts on the map. However, the other big pirate challenge this week is only for battle pass owners and it’s all about searching a treasure map. We’ve already covered the flaming hoops challenge, which is, thankfully, available to everyone this week. Like always, there are seven challenges this week, four for Battle Royale battle pass owners and three for everyone.

If you haven’t had the chance to check out all of the new challenges this week, be sure to check out our screenshot above. Where to find the hidden battle star in Fork Knife.