Database.sql" click "Open"Ģ.5.13 Top left, click "File", click "Open", click "File." (CTRL+O)Ģ.5.14 Go to the Ketchup database folder (K15-VS22\Database) and select "2.

2.3.1 Right click the "SQL2019-SSEI-Expr.exe" file and "Run as administrator"Ģ.3.4 Wait untill download & install is finishedĢ.3.5 Click "New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation"Ģ.3.6 Check "I accept the license terms and Privacy Statement" and click "Next"Ģ.3.8 Wait untill all tasks are completedĢ.3.9 Ignore the "Windows Firewall" warning for now and click "Next" (disabling your Firewall is NOT RECOMMENDED!)Ģ.3.10 Leave the default "Instance Features" and click "Next"Ģ.3.11 Leave the default "Named instance" as "SQLExpress" and click "Next"Ģ.3.14 Select "Mixed Mode" and type a secure password (write this password down) + confirm and click "Next" (don't delete the "Specify SQL Server Administrators", I have mine removed from the screenshot only!)Ģ.3.17 Wait until the installation is finishedĢ.3.18 Click "Close" after checking every status is "Succeeded" (details showing: Install successful)Ģ.5.1 Open "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18"Ģ.5.2 Select Authentication: "SQL Server Authentication", Login: "sa", Password: "The secure password you wrote down", check "Remember password" and click "Connect"Ģ.5.7 Top left, click "File", click "Open", click "File." (CTRL+O)Ģ.5.8 Go to the Ketchup database folder (K15-VS22\Database) and select "1.